#180, New website thatsanicecar.com showcases exotic cars

James Raia

It’s easy to hear overt enthusiasm in Bill Mayer’s voice. He’s owned, restored and sold several of what he calls “works of art” — classic and exotic cars.

After many years of planning, Mayer is now also the co-founder of the website, ThatsANiceCar.com. It reflects his passion for expensive automotive rarities. Andrew Sparrow is also a co-founder and the site’s technology guru.

Launched in January, the website features only high-end exotic cars offered in a unique pricing platform. It’s for buyers and sellers.

A 2015 Ferrari 458 Italia Speciale is among the exotic cars for sale on thatsanicecar.com
A 2015 Ferrari 458 Italia Speciale is among the exotic cars for sale on thatsanicecar.com.

Mayer is our guest on episode #180 of The Weekly Driver Podcast.

Co-hosts Bruce Aldrich and James Raia discuss with Mayer the idea for the website and his plans to compete in the online marketplace.

Exotic cars get reactions

“I’m a car guy and I like to talk about cars,” says Mayer. “I’ve been working on this concept for a while. The way I came up the with name is that it’s kind of a common understatement that I hear car guys make.

“Let’s say I’m at a Cars and Coffee event and I’m standing next to a beautiful Ferrari or a Lamborghini. Someone will just nod their head a little bit and say, ‘that’s a nice car.’ That’s the genesis of the name.”

Mayer has been researching and studying exotic cars online for about 15 years. He started when several niche print publications switched to online publishing. He was first interested in classics.

“I had a hard time finding classic cars for a while,” Mayer explains. “There weren’t really any sites devoted to classic cars. You really couldn’t find any sites that were only devoted to classic cars. I remember being frustrated when I looking.”

A 2019 Lamborghini Urus is among the exotic cars for sale on thatsanicecar.com.
A 2019 Lamborghini Urus is among the exotic cars for sale on thatsanicecar.com.

Mayer’s interests then moved toward exotics and supercars.

“I was starting to see exotic cars much more regularly, Mayer says. “Ten or 15 years ago, you almost never saw a Ferrari, Lamborghini or Aston Martin just driving down the road or parked in a parking lot. But now you do. It started to occur to me that if there was another segment of the used car marketplace that needed to be segmented like the classic car segment had evolved, it’s supercars and exotic cars.”

Thus, the online business began.

Please join us for an engaging conversion on how the site acquires vehicles and the platform for buyers and sellers to negotiate.

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If you shop via this site, we receive a small commission. It helps us continue to produce independent content. The site began in 2004 and includes more than 700 reviews.

The podcast is in its third year, and we’ve had a diverse collection of guests — famous athletes, vintage car collectors, manufacturer CEOs, automotive book authors, industry analysts, a movie stuntman and episodes from auto shows and car auctions.

Please send comments and suggestions for new episodes to James Raia via email: [email protected].
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Article Last Updated: May 10, 2021.

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