#156, Automobile writer Aaron Gold talks cars

James Raia

November 17, 2020

Aaron Gold is a veteran automobile writer who has contributed to many print and online publications. He’s as enthusiastic about his work as anyone in the industry, and it shows in his articles and in conversation.

A staff writer for Automobile, Gold is our guest on this week’s episode of The Weekly Driver Podcast. Co-hosts Bruce Aldrich and James Raia discuss the automotive industry with the journalist, with a particular interest in several of his recent articles.

Automobile writer Aaron Gold discusses the Bricklin and many other Canadian cars on this episode of The Weekly Driver Podcast.
Automobile writer Aaron Gold discusses the Bricklin and many other Canadian cars on this episode of The Weekly Driver Podcast.

Canada isn’t an automotive powerhouse, but Gold recently wrote: “Who Knew Canadian Cars Were a Thing? Well, They Are.”

The article detailed Bricklin Motors to Conquest Vehicles, Felino to Magnum, Electra Meccanica to McLaughlin and several unique offerings. We hadn’t heard of several of the vehicles, which made Gold’s article all the more interesting.

Aaron Gold: Automobile Writer Has Fun

Gold recently wrote: “Far Out and Funky Forgotten Cars of the 1970s Worth Remembering” and “The All-New 2021 Rolls-Royce Ghost Releases You From Sorrow.”

Automobile was founded in 1986 with the working motto: “No Boring Cars.”

The publication ceased its print edition in early 2020, but the online edition remains true to the publication’s mission.

Among other recent articles, Gold’s has written: “How I Met Your Mother: Chevroletโ€™s Bad-Ass Monte Carlo” and “Bugging Out: We Take a 1949 VW Beetle on a Fascinating 1949 Architectural Tour.”

And we couldn’t help ourselves. We thoroughly enjoyed talking about another article: “Far Out and Funky: 12 Forgotten Cars of the 1970s That Are Worth Remembering.”

Cars are serious business. But please join us for a light-hearted podcast episode with journalist Aaron Gold.

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Article Last Updated: November 17, 2020.

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