Timothy Richman will be featured in several commercials for Cars.com during the 2010 Super Bowl. He’ll be the poster boy played by several actors in the spots for the car-buying web site.

Richman has special powers from toddler days to adulthood. He extinguishes a grease fire as a baby and he saves a busload of cheerleaders from a tornado as a teenager.

But it doesn’t stop there. Richman delivers the cub of a breached Bengal Tiger and helps a young Italian girl on the beach who’s been stung by a jelly fish by applying vinegar โ€” and speaks to her in Italian.

But Richman is just like everyone else: When it comes to buying a car, he’s as uncertain as anyone.

And thus, the Cars.com motto: “With knowledge comes confidence.”

Article Last Updated: September 4, 2013.

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