Mattel will debut a Hot Wheels first — pocket-sized Stealth Riders 1Mattel, the maker of toy cars for more than 40 years, will soon debut a first: folding Hot Wheels. The five new models will be called “Stealth Riders” and will be contained in a pocket-sized case.

“Containing a fully functioning vehicle . . . kids can play anywhere, anytime,” said Geoff Walker, senior vice president with Mattel Brands, in an interview on  “The vehicles provide a unique and cool level of play experience that was not previously possible.”

Mattel will debut a Hot Wheels first — pocket-sized Stealth Riders 2

According to the report, the new Hot Wheels model is the size of a credit card and has about the thickness of a cell phone. But it’s also 3D operates, and the features works with the push of a button.

When the button is engaged, the flat car expands into a remote-controlled vehicle.

The Stealth Riders model Hot Wheels will including two cars, two tanks and a “Batmobile Tumbler.” The toymaker will debut the models next month during the Toy Fair in New York.

Stealth Riders, while will be priced at about $25 and available in August, fold flat and slide out of a plastic case that functions as a carrying case and a remote control.

Article Last Updated: January 25, 2010.

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