Episode 45, Fast, furious Mecum Auctions returns to Monterey

James Raia

July 12, 2018

Ask John Kraman a question about automobile auctions, vintage cars, industry trends or automotive history and the answers come fast and furious from the Mecum Auctions expert. He’s as enthusiastic as anyone and his knowledge flows as fast as verbal clarity allows.

As the Director of Company Relations and Lead TV Commentator/Analyst Mecum Auctions, Kraman will be part of the vast staff again present at the world’s largest car collectors auction during Monterey Auto Week in August.

About 600 vehicles are presented for auction during Mecum Auctions during Monterey Auto Week.
About 600 vehicles are presented about every two minutes a the Mecum Auctions during Monterey Auto Week. Image ยฉ Bruce Aldrich/2017 .

The rapid-fire auction will present about 600 cars during Mecum’s three-day presence during the gathering of all things automotive held on the Monterey Peninsula.

Kaman is our guest on episode No. 45 of The Weekly Driver Podcast. Co-hosts Bruce Aldrich and James Raia talk with Kraman about what to expect this year when Mecum Auctions is held Aug. 23-25 at the Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel and Spa and Del Monte Golf Course.

Exotics, muscle cars, sports cars, vintage vans and pick-up trucks, tractors and memorabilia will all be available to examine and then be will be auctioned in a controlled whirlwind of activity. It will Mecum Auction’s ninth auction in 2018.

A mechanic, pilot and car collector, Kraman keeps the banter fresh and fast-paced during the presentation of the cars, truck, tractors and motorcycles.

Among the rarities for auction this year are a 2015 Ferrari LaFerrari, 2014 Pagani Huayra, 2006 Ford GT Heritage Edition and 2012 Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport 16.4.

A comprehensive guide to all of the company’s auctions and details of the vehicles set for auction at the Monterey auction is available on the website, www.mecum.com.

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Article Last Updated: July 12, 2018.

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