collaborates with

James Raia

October 22, 2013

As editor and publisher of, I am pleased to announce my new affiliation with As a contributor to the site for about one year, my latest project is as aย  contributing writer to a new program called Collections.

The program, launching today (Oct. 22), features numerous automotive industry journalists each writing about some their favorite new and used vehicles and affiliated automotive products in 24 collections.

My collections cover a diverse selection of cars and trucks, ranging from my long-time interest in Rambler to my respect for the enduring popularity of the Toyota Corolla.

A rare Kaiser Darrin at Monterey Auto Week
The art deco Kaiser-Darrin, of the vintage cars in my Collections series for

I’m particularly interested in vintage and unheralded cars, so my collections list has some unusual titles from the All-Ugly, All-Collectible Car Club to Improbable Impalas and Cars With Bad Raps And Now Collectible to Corvette: America’s Sports Car

And there are collections about Great Cars Made Before Their Time, Cars With Odd “Bells And Whistles,” the legacy of AMC: Great Cars, Lost Designs and Little Cars, Big Deals.

To review the overview and all 24 collections in capsule, visit: James Raia’s Collections. All of the vehicles in the collections are for sale on

Article Last Updated: October 22, 2013.

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