General Motors, out of the line-up for two years, will be back with five commercials Sunday in Super Bowl XLV. But it will be far from alone, with at least eight other carmakers, Audi to Hyundai, BMW to Kia, buying air time for television’s biggest one-day attraction.

Commercials is this year’s game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Green Bay Packers will cost about $3 million for 30 seconds. Ford Motor Co. will notably absent among major automakers.

The commercials will be diverse. Beyond GM’s five offerings, a Kia ad will an alien driving a Kia; Volkswagen features an animated Beetle speeding through a forest.

And Hyundai, without naming another manufacturer, will poke fun at the others with an ad featuring different sheep driving cars. The video is below.

Article Last Updated: January 31, 2011.

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