Terrafugia, Inc., has been working on its “Flying Car” for several years. It’s been a media favorite since its flight-testing program began in March 2009 and continued through 27 additional flight tests during the next several weeks.The latest article on the vehicle, categorized as a Light Sport Aircraft, comes from Reuters. In the piece linked below, company owners compare the two-seater to a Lamborghini.
“It’s a $200,000 vehicle, like a Lamborghini, but in this case it flies.” says Carl Dietrich, CEO and CTO of Terrafugia.
Dietrich says his company has many buyers lined up and that vehicle is ready for commercial use. But whether potential consumers embrace the machine is anyone’s guess. Dietrich also needs financial support for his proposed debut in 2011.
View the Reuters’ video here: Flying Car
Article Last Updated: March 10, 2010.