Auto industry dilemma: Adweek examines the selling of electric cars in the United States

James Raia

Auto industry dilemma: Adweek examines the selling of electric cars in the United States 1As automakers prepare to roll out battery-run cars, how will they dodge the ultimate obstacle — changing the consumer perception that electric cars are more trouble than they’re worth? Adweek has published an article on what it describes “as the bumpy road ahead for electric-car makers.”

The article provides details in several areas:

* The Next Big Thing: More and more electric cars coming from a wider range of automakers – from BMW’s Mini-E to Nissan’s Leaf; making the move to the mass market;

Auto industry dilemma: Adweek examines the selling of electric cars in the United States 2

* Current consumer perception: “range” anxiety, higher price points, and the need to learn about more options in the category – how will automakers change minds?;

* A need for the uncomplicated: educating the average consumer through advertising;

* From the traditional test drive to viral marketing – marketers going all out.

Article Last Updated: October 12, 2009.

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