How To Crash A Motorcycle Safely

Michael James

November 14, 2023

Navigating the open road on a motorcycle is an exhilarating experience, but the unexpected can happen in a split second. While no rider sets out with the intention of crashing, or being in an accident, acknowledging the possibility and understanding how to manage such a situation is paramount. If you are in an accident, consult with a trusted motorcycle accident attorney in your city. They can help you navigate your claim and seek justice after a serious accident.

Motorcyclists face a heightened vulnerability in accidents. There is no safety equipment, besides their gear, to protect them, unlike a car accident. This makes it crucial to equip oneself with the knowledge of how to handle a crash safely. Riders can enhance their chances of minimizing harm in the unfortunate event of a collision, turning an unforeseen mishap into a calculated response for self-preservation.

How To Crash A Motorcycle Safely

In bustling urban centers, motorcycle accidents are an unfortunate reality. In 2021 there were 5,932 motorcyclists killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes nationwide and an estimated 82,686 motorcyclists injured, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Preventative Measures

There are measures you can take to help prevent riders from being in an accident or the severity of it overall.  

  • Increase Follow Distance; Increasing the following distance to the car in front of you gives you more room to escape any situation youโ€™re in and to not be sandwiched in between two cars – especially if youโ€™re being tailgated.
  • Motorcycle Safety Course; While some riders must complete one to obtain their license, there are advanced courses that can be taken to train for more advanced measures. Repetition and muscle memory will be your best friend in split-second decisions for practicing emergency maneuvers. 
  • Be Defensive; assume that no driver can see you and be prepared for unexpected maneuvers. Anticipate potential road hazards such as potholes, gravel, and debris. 

Techniques for Crashing Safely

When a crash is involved, there usually is little time to ponder what to do. However, if you do find yourself in the unfortunate situation of making a split-second call before crashing, there are techniques you can utilize in order to crash as safely as possible to protect yourself.

  1. Look where you want to go; your eyes will guide you, so focus on where you want to navigate to reduce the risk of colliding with obstacles
  2. Control your braking; Try to slow down and reduce speed before impact. Itโ€™s extremely important to not panic brake even though it may just be instinct to slam on both brakes and to utilize both brakes at the same time as smoothly as possible. There is a fine line when braking a motorcycle to prevent overbraking. If overbraking does happen, it can cause the rear or front wheels to lock up, which can cause a loss of the steering control or total control of the bike itself.
  3. Pick a spot to go down; if you unfortunately have to put your bike down and have the time, choose a spot strategically and consciously to minimize impact. 
  4. Protective posture; if you find that you will have to disconnect with your bike, try your best not tuck and roll. This will block your entire line of sight – leaving you unable to see where youโ€™re going and what objects you may run into. It can also leave you at a higher risk for brain and spinal damage. If you do find yourself having to slide, you will have a better chance to see where youโ€™re going and whatโ€™s in front of you. Stretching out your arms and legs will create more drag to help slow you down. Riders can also potentially use their arms and legs to defend against other road hazards.
  5. Protecting vital areas; utilizing safety equipment can make the difference in what injuries are sustained in a motorcycle crash. Some gear can include:
    1. Proper helmet: having a full-face helmet offers the most protection. Half helmets leave your face exposed to potential injury in an accident. Ensure the helmet is fully strapped on. Having a helmet on, but not strapped doesnโ€™t mean it wonโ€™t come off in an accident
    2. Reinforced jacket with armor: this allows for the ability to absorb impact on points most likely to hit the ground and prevent extreme abrasions on the skin
    3. Kevlar pants: pants made like this usually have impact-absorbing materials in the hips and knees and are more durable to heat – the kind you would experience if sliding on the ground
    4. Gloves: besides protecting your hands from the elements and providing a better grip, specific gloves can reinforce your wrists and palms in the case of injury
    5. Moto boots with ankle protection: these boots can be reinforced with steel in the toe and heel with specific protection around the ankles 
  6. Don’t get up immediately; While you donโ€™t want to remain in the middle of the road, sliding distorts your reality. Count to 5 seconds to ensure that you are no longer sliding before attempting to move out of traffic if you are able. 
How To Crash A Motorcycle Safely

After An Accident

By integrating these measures and techniques into your riding habits, you empower yourself with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the roads more safely, reducing the risk and impact of potential accidents.

If you are, unfortunately, in a motorcycle accident, assess your injuries and call emergency services for help. Document the scene if you are able-bodied and file a police report. If you are injured in an accident, consider reaching out to a motorcycle attorney for a consultation about your case. 

Article Last Updated: November 15, 2023.

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