#122, Co-hosts Bruce Aldrich, James Raia talk car stuff

James Raia

February 18, 2020

The Weekly Driver Podcast usually has at least one guest each week, sometimes more. But sometimes co-hosts Bruce Aldrich and James Raia just talk it out.

We did exactly that in episode #122. There’s always a lot going on in the automotive industryโ€” recalls to Tesla’s latest fiascos, the further saga of the autonomous driving industry to new car and truck models.

Bruce Aldrich and James Raia interview journalist and photographer John Lamm about his new book on the Supercar Revolution.
Bruce Aldrich and James Raia interview automotive experts every week on The Weekly Driver Podcast.

Bruce and I agree on many areas of the automotive industry, but not everything.

Listen to the new episode of our 30-minute podcast as we cover a lot of areas, the above-mentioned topics to a few random opinions about cars old and new.

It’s also a good time to reiterate our appreciation for the guests we interviewed from many areas of the automotive world. We’ve talked with famous people, renowned mountain climber and van enthusiast Alex Honnold to Larry Dominique, President of Peugeot North America.

We’ve chatted with spokespeople from trade shows, auctions and various entrepreneurs. We interviewed vintage car collectors, artists and memorabilia experts. We’re having a blast.

The Weekly Driver Podcast also needs our listeners’ assistance. The more listeners, the better our chances of secure funding to expand what we do best โ€” staying abreast of the automotive industry. Spread the word about our podcast via your social media accounts.

The archives of our 2 1/2 years of podcasting, all my automotive reviews dating to 2005 as well a sign-up for my just-debuting electronic weekly newsletter are all available on my website, theweeklydriver.com.

If you’d like to support theweekldydriver.com financially via advertising or sponsorship, please contact me via email: [email protected].

The Weekly Driver Podcast also encourages and appreciates feedback from our listeners. Please forward episode links to family, friends and colleagues. And you are welcome to repost links from the podcast to your social media accounts.

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Please send comments and suggestions for new episodes to James Raia via email: [email protected].

All podcast episodes are archived on www.theweeklydriver.com/podcast

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Article Last Updated: February 18, 2020.

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