#121, Best used cars, best enduring cars from iseecars.com

James Raia

February 7, 2020

Julie Blackley, communications manager for the car search engine iSeeCars.com, is a frequent guest on The Weekly Driver Podcast. Blackley writes and distributes monthly studies that analyze automotive data, on topics ranging best used cars to popular car colors to states with the most pick-ups.

The wide-ranging categories, according to the website, are aggregations of a massive amount of information tabulated from “proprietary algorithms to objectively analyze, score and rank millions of cars and tens of thousands of dealers, providing helpful insights and guidance to users to find a good car at a good price from a trustworthy seller.”

best used cars, best new cars,
Best used cars, best new cars, best enduring cars from iseecars.com.

For automotive statistics junkies, the site is a tremendous fix.

Blackley was our recent guest in her fourth appearance on The Weekly Driver Podcast. Co-hosts Bruce Aldrich and James Raia discussed with her the results of data from three recent studies:

1. Top 15 Vehicles Owners Keep for 15 Years or Longer; 2. The Most Popular Cars By State (the 10 largest states) ; 3. The Best Used Cars For 2020.

Due to technical issues, our interview with Blackley is not available.

Instead, Bruce and James revisit the three areas of the most recent iSeeCars.com surveys and recap the knowledge and insight Blackley provided. In separate posts, I have also published each of the surveys and well as a new analysis of the most popular car colors.

Links to the posts our archived podcast episodes with Blackley are also provided below.

The iSeeCars.com site is a comprehensive platform for all car buyers, and The Weekly Driver Podcast recommends visiting the site for practical information to help determine your next purchase.

As Blackley says, “I write and disseminate monthly studies that analyze iSeeCars data on topics that help consumers navigate the difficult car-buying process.”

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Article Last Updated: February 7, 2020.

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