#4, The Weekly Driver Podcast (Video): Saving teen drivers’ lives

James Raia

February 10, 2019

Bob Davis, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Virtual Driver Interactive, Inc., is the inventor of the produce, Driving Essentials XE.

An interactive and engaging driver training simulation made specifically for QX, Davis provides a wealth of knowledge as our guest on The Weekly Podcast.

Bruce Aldrich (left) James Raia talk with Bob Davis on video episode No. 4 of The Weekly Driver Podcast.
Bruce Aldrich (left) James Raia talk with Bob Davis on video episode No. 4 of The Weekly Driver Podcast.

The product teaches new, teenage drivers how to deal with dangerous situations without actually being in danger. The vast majority of all serious teen crashes are due to critical (and preventable) mistakes โ€” lack of judgment, lack of experience and driving distracted.

Podcast co-hosts Bruce Aldrich and James Raia discuss with Davis the soon-to-be-available product and how believes teenaged drivers’ lives will be saved.

With its 10-lesson course, the goal Driving Essentials XE is projected to change driving behavior and foster better judgment rapidly. First responders, pilots and surgeons use simulators to improve their skills. Now, teenagers can, too.

Davis says Virtual Driving Essentials and Driving XE, Davis is the answer to a sobering statistic. Sixteen-year-olds are three times more like to be in traffic accidents than other groups and eleven teens die every day as a result of texting and driving.

According to Davis, the company’s teen driver training products, have real-time “life bars” running across the top of the monitors. Safe driving earns you more time and making any errors that increase your likelihood of a crash deduct from your bar as they happen.

Kids don’t care about a score after they are done. They care about their score as they drive. Plus, our company cares about keeping teens safe so the “life bar” holds great meaning to all of us.

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The Weekly Driver Podcast is presented by www.americanmuscle.com.


Article Last Updated: February 10, 2019.

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