#71 WalletHub’s best, worst cities, states to drive in

James Raia

January 28, 2019

WalletHub.com does studies, and it does them well. It makes sense because itโ€™s a personal finance website that relies on facts and figures and number crunching for consumers.

In the automotive field, WalletHub has a series of studies, the most recent on the 2019 Best & Worst Cities to Drive in. The numbers are revealing.

WalletHub reports California is among the worst states to driven in.
WalletHub reports California is among the worst states to driven in.

WalletHub determined that congestion costs the average driver in the United States more than $1,400 per year. The U.S. is ranked 10th in the world in road quality in the recently released study.

The Weekly Driver Podcast is produced in Sacramento, so co-hosts Bruce Aldrich and James Raia were particularly interested in how California ranks in different areas.

Consider Californiaโ€™s numbers (1=Best; 25=Ave.):

โ€ข 42nd โ€“ Share of Rush-Hour Traffic Congestion
โ€ข 47th โ€“ Car Theft Rate
โ€ข 49th โ€“ Avg. Gas Prices
โ€ข 40th โ€“ Auto-Maintenance Costs
โ€ข 47th โ€“ Road Quality

To determine the most driver-friendly states in the U.S., WalletHub compared the 50 states across 30 key metrics. The data set ranges from average gas prices to share of rush-hour traffic congestion to road quality. The full study lists the results for all states

Jill Gonzalez, a WalletHub analyst, discusses the websiteโ€™s latest study and how it relates to consumers.

WalletHub also has automotive studies on the following topics:

โ€ข Best & Worst Cities to Drive in
โ€ข Best & Worst States for Teen Drivers
โ€ข Best & Worst Cities for Staycations
โ€ข Credit Score & Car Insurance Report
โ€ข Strictest And Most Lenient States On DUI

To read the complete results, visit: WalletHub.com

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Article Last Updated: January 28, 2019.

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