5 top tips shopping for a new car (video)

Michael James

Shopping for a new or used car online doesn't have to be ntimidating

Shopping for a new car is often the second most expensive purchase for consumers after buying a house. But while purchasing an automobile involves a substantial amount of money, it doesn’t have to be stressful.

Shopping for a new or used car online doesn't have to be ntimidating
Shopping for a new or used car online doesn’t have to be intimidating.

If you’re considering buying or leasing a new car, being prepared for the purchase will give you confidence. Many prominent consumer advice websites, including vinadvisor.net, provide varies practical and thorough to make the experience less stressful.

In fact, by preparing for the transaction in several key areas, buying a new car can be a straight-forward proposition without financial concern — if you’ve done your homework.

Consider these five areas and then view the video below for the details of he top-5 tips for car shopping online:

1. Acquire a new email address for online research that doesn’t include your name;

2. Study the websites of the manufacturers whose cars you’re considering;

3. Consider bringing an advocate when negotiating with a dealership;

4. Have your reference material readily available when car shopping;

5. Don’t worry about buying a car on a certain day of the week or month.

Article Last Updated: October 18, 2016.

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