“Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,” the contagiously funny show about nothing and everything all at once, has started its fourth season. The show has some changes, but it’s as if Jerry Seinfeld never missed a comedic beat during the show’s hiatus.
The season opener features Seinfeld and Sarah Jessica Parker driving in her 1976 Ford Country Squire station wagon to Manhattan.
The premise of the show is Seinfeld’s obsession with coffee and cars. It’s the most popular show on the Crackle network.
There’s new static footage in Season Four, and the season opener begins with a clever exchange of why Seinfeld hates the car and why Parker is enamored with it. She likes the immense windows and space; He says “Yea, boxes can come over the seats and hit you in the head.”
Parker retorts, “Well, you probably deserve it.”
Seinfeld calls the Ford wagon a “soulless monster.” Parker recalls her childhood in a similar car and playing with her Etch-a-Sketch in the back seat.
The two comedians are clever and their dialogue is rapid-fire quick. They discuss parents. They discuss how Parker pronounces “rye bread” and how much of a tip to leave the waitress in the coffee shop. They discuss feminine products. They laugh about the nuances of life.
There’s even a clever plug about the show’s sponsor with a planted policeman.
The overwhelmingly good thing about “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” is that Crackle has renewed the series through Season Nine. Twenty four episodes remain.
 To view the video, visit: COMEDIANS IN CARS GETTING COFFEE
Article Last Updated: June 19, 2014.
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A sports, travel and business journalist for more than 45 years, James has written the new car review column The Weekly Driver since 2004.
In addition to founding this site in 2004, James writes a Sunday automotive column for The San Jose Mercury and East Bay Times in Walnut Creek, Calif., and monthly auto review and wellness columns for Gulfshore Business, a magazine in Southwest Florida.
An author and contributor to many newspapers, magazines and online publications, co-hosted The Weekly Driver Podcast from 2017 to 2024.