Volkswagen: Bugs, Beetles, Bliss

James Raia

November 1, 2013

Like several friends, my first car was a Volkswagen. It was a family friend’s car and the 1962 VW Bug was pristine. I bought it for $500 in 1972 when I was age 17. The memories of learning about its simple engine and driving it everywhere are still vivid 40 years later.

All these years later, I just drove a 2014 Volkswagen Beetle R-Line for a week. It’s still unmistakably a Volkswagen, but it’s also a completely different car. The new VW Beetle has five times the horsepower of my Bug from yesteryear. And the driving difference, from what I can remember from 40 years ago, is remarkable.

The 2014 Volkswagen Beetle is similar but also much different than Bugs and Beetles of yesteryear.
The 2014 Volkswagen Beetle is similar but also much different than Bugs and Beetles of yesteryear.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Image ยฉ James Raia/2013

Vintage and new Bugs and Beetles still share a wondrous trait: Both are just fun to drive.

The Bug and Beetle combined are also among the top-10 best-selling cars in history. And I’ve always been a fan of the manufacturer’s lineup, with the exception of the wacky jeep-like beast called The Thing.

Vintage Volkswagens are amonng my 24 Automobile Collections on Here’s the link :Bugs, Beetles, Bliss

My eBay Collections were curated as part of my collaboration with eBay.

Article Last Updated: November 1, 2013.

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