Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 1Rare Bugatti race cars, vintage Ferrari machines and best-of-show collectors’ cars are great for auto shows. And then there are sentimental favorites, the 1951 Buick your family owned when you were a youngster or the 1951 Chrysler K310 in the neighbors’ driveway?

Or how about a head-turning 1955 Nash Rambler cross country wagon or a 1958 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser?

Owning a Duesenberg you don’t drive is fine. But how about taking a Sunday afternoon cruise in 1951 Chrysler Thunderbolt?

Here are 10 vehicles The Weekly Driver would like to own and drive:

Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 21938 Buick

Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 31941 Chrysler Thunderbolt

Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 41951 Buick LeSabre

Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 51951 Chrysler K310

Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 61953 Buick Wildcat

Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 71954 Dodge Fire Arrow

Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 81955 Nash Rambler

Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 91956 Ford Sunliner

Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 101958 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser

Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler 111971 Buick Riviera Boattail

Article Last Updated: November 21, 2010.

2 thoughts on “Great American classic cars: Buick, Mercury, Ford, Rambler”

  1. Great selection. Not a "common" design in the bunch. Perhaps Detroit–and the rest of the world–might step at least a small distance away from their homogeneous designs. You can't be better–if you're really just the same.

  2. James —

    I was right with you the entire way — until you cited the Riviera boattail. What? You've been working too hard, son.

    An insightful and inspiring list.


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