It’s nice to “reconnect” with someone you used to know 30 years ago. Gina Spadafori and I were on the staff of The Hornet, the student newspaper at California State University, Sacramento. I recently contacted her after discovering her cool web site that combines two great subjects — dogs and cars.

I may have seen Gina once since college, but I’ve read her work for a long time. Gina’s had a great career in journalism, specializing in writing about pets. She co-authors the syndicated column, Pet Connection, and she has written several animal-focused books.

With several other journalists, Gina  also has one of the most unique automotive-related web sites I’ve seen, The site has just selected its 2007 DogCar of the Year.

The winner is the Honda Element. gives The Element its highest “paw ratings” based on several attributes: vehicles with seats that fold flat or are easily removable; ample cargo space; wide, square tail sections to maximize cargo-carrying; door/window locks; all-wheel drive or four-wheel drive and high-ground clearance. selected its favorite cars for 2007 in several additional categories. It’s a fun site for any driver who has a passion for dogs and likes to bring them along when they drive.

Check out the site,

Article Last Updated: September 9, 2013.

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