#219, RV living on the road: One family’s travels

James Raia

March 13, 2022

Spencer, Kristi and Kade Stevens, otherwise known as the Adventurtunity Family, live full-time in their RV. The family is traveling throughout the United States, embracing a lifestyle they’ve determined is best โ€” at least for now.

Spencer is our guest this week on The Weekly Driver Podcast. Co-hosts Bruce Aldrich and James Raia talk with the husband and father about the trio’s RV adventures. He discusses the beauty of seeing the country to the challenges of the road.

The Stevens’ lifestyle is also the family’s business, both achieved from the confines of a Class A, 2017 Holiday Rambler Vacationer 36H.

The Adventurunity Family on the road and celebrating in their RV.
The Adventurtunity Family on the road and celebrating in front of their RV.

With their website and other social media outlets and with the RV and lifestyle sponsors’ support, the husband-wife and their 5-year-old young are about as far removed from their previous corporate employment world as feasible.

It’s an RV lifestyle many families may dream about, but not many accomplish.

“In April 2019 we returned from a six-week trip to New Zealand and Australia where we quickly realized our current day-to-day life wasnโ€™t aligning with the direction we wanted for our family,” Spencer details on the family’s website and as he reiterated to us in episode #219.

“We had goals and dreams, like everyone else, but werenโ€™t taking steps to make them a reality. It wasnโ€™t until we asked ourselves one simple question, โ€œIf you had everything you needed to make a change, would you?โ€ that we finally took action.”

“We sold it all to live in our home on wheels, traveling the countryside together. Little did we know that selling most of our things and living small would actually give us more than we ever had before!”

Last September marked the family’s one-year anniversary on the road. They sold their home and most of their possessions and began living full-time in their RV.

Reaching the family in Texas, Bruce and I cover discuss with Spencer many areas of life on the road, from meals to educating a child, meeting people to driving.

Please join Bruce and me for a lively episode.

The travels of the Adventurtunity Family can be followed on the family’s social media presence:

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/adventurtunityfamily/

FACEBOOK: https://youtu.be/DnF7pzJsVEo

HOLIDAY RAMBLER: https://www.holidayrambler.com/travel-blog/

WEBSITE: https://www.adventurtunityfamily.com

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Article Last Updated: March 13, 2022.

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