4 Vital Steps To Take After A Car Accident

Michael James

November 8, 2021

It’s common for drivers to be distracted when using their cellphones or listening to music. Inclement weather and poor road conditions also contribute to car accidents.

If you’re involved in an accident, stay calm. First, determine if you and your passengers are safe before thinking about calling anyone or exchanging information with other drivers.

Proper protocol with law enforcement, insurance companies and attorneys should be followed after a car accident.
Proper protocol with law enforcement, insurance companies and attorneys should be followed after a car accident.

When an accident occurs, here are four priorities:

Exchange Information With The Other Party

Car accidents can be stressful and confusing. It’s vital you take a few minutes to reduce your stress level. If the severity of the accident warrants, call your car accident lawyer, and exchange information with the others involved in the accident.

You should exchange the following with each person involved in the accident: Name and address, phone number(s) (home, work), drivers’ license numbers, license plate numbers of vehicles involved, insurance company name and policy number, car description and the manufacturing year of all involved vehicles.

Call The Police Department

If the unfortunate event of an accident with only your vehicle or involving other cars or trucks or other people, law enforcement should be promptly notified. They’re required to write an official report.

The police will tell you if they need to investigate the accident scene. They may ask you for information about the accident, including injuries and damage to vehicles or property.

If the accident scene is safe, take pictures of the vehicles involved and any damage on your vehicle or other vehicles, where the damage is located. Include the license plate numbers in the images. If you’re uncertain about taking images, ask the advice of the law enforcement on the scene. Pictures can be used as evidence in determining who was at fault in the accident.

Seek Medical Attention

If injuries occur in an accident, seeking medical attention is necessary. Some symptoms of automobile injuries include pain, dizziness, numbness, tingling and loss of consciousness.

It’s also important not to move any vehicles to anyone involved in an accident. It could be considered as leaving the scent an accident. It’s illegal nationwide unless that vehicle or vehicles involved in an accident could cause another accident if not moved.

Call Your Insurance Company Quickly

After you have exchanged information with others involved, called the police and sought medical attention, report the accident to your insurance company. It will send out a claims representative to investigate the incident.

The claims representative may ask for photos of damages to vehicles, copies of police reports, doctor’s records documenting injuries and bills relating to those injuries. The representatives want this documentation to determine who is responsible for paying for damages or injuries resulting from the car crash.

It is critical you cooperate with your insurance company in providing them with all documentation because it may be difficult for them to pay you if they do not have enough evidence of who was at fault.

You may also want to check your car policy information to ensure you are covered for whatever occurred. Make sure you are upfront and honest with them regarding the incident, too, as you do not want to get caught up in any accusations of insurance fraud that could affect future claims and insurance applications.

Hire a Lawyer

Being in a car accident is stressful and worrisome. It’s important to resolve the unfortunate circumstance effectively. Hiring a car accident lawyer for their expertise is recommended. Having legal representation after an accident assists in focusing on a satisfactory resolution.

A car accident lawyer is essential for giving you legal support. Hiring an an attorney with the proper expertise is imperative. He or she can answer questions and provide guidance regarding potential compensation. It can make a huge difference in the outcome. It’s a key step to potentially make a huge difference in the outcome and improve your life.


Content provided by The Weekly Driver News Service other news sources.

Article Last Updated: November 9, 2022.

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