Top 10 tips for winter driving

Michael James

October 25, 2021

As the weather continues to get colder, the impending snowfall can exciting. But winter driving in inclement weather can create significant road hazards.

If you drive in the snow, important safety tips should be followed? Here are some top safety tips and considering for winter driving:

Do Not Drive in the Winter Weather Unless You Must

Although hailstorms are more common during spring and summer, blocks of ice and snow during winter can still cause damage to your carโ€™s exterior. Whichever season you may be driving in, though, it pays to be more careful. Once the hailstorm starts damaging your car, it also pays to entrust it to professionals at an established auto hail repair shop.

For those residing in the south, where temperatures can range between 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, watch out for hailstorms. If you can avoid taking your car out for a spin while itโ€™s literally raining blocks of ice outside, stay inside and wait it out. Your car may suffer significant hail damage, which could lead to dents on your trunk, roof, and hood โ€“ worst-case scenario, even your windows will crack and break.

If youโ€™re caught in the middle of an unforgiving hailstorm and your car takes a serious beating, contact a reputable auto shop that offers quality hail damage repair Denver residents can rely on.

Winter driving requires adhering to inclement weather driving tips.
Winter driving requires adhering to inclement weather driving tips.

Slow Down and Leave Extra Following Distance

Make sure to slow down during winter driving trips. It is going to take much longer for your car to stop, so leave extra distance between yourself and the car in front of you. Even though you may react to changing road conditions quickly, there is not going to be as much friction between your tires and the pavement. Your car is going to slip and slide across the snow and ice, making it harder for you to stop on time. You also need to make sure you have your anti-lock brake system activated. That way, you don’t have to worry about your car skidding on the snow.

Use Your Headlights

If you take your car out in the winter weather, you must make sure you use your headlights. Even though the sun might be shining during the day, precipitation could be falling, making it hard for you to see other cars on the road. This also means that other people are going to have a difficult time seeing you. To fix this issue, you need to turn on your headlights. Be careful about using your high beams, as they could reflect off the snow, blinding other people. Use your headlights to make it easier for people to spot you.

Winter driving requires special precautions and common-sense practices.
Winter driving requires special precautions and common-sense practices.

Get Your Car Serviced

Finally, you also need to make sure your car is ready for winter driving. One of the best ways to do that is to get your car serviced. You need to get your car inspected at least once per year. This will give a professional team an opportunity to make sure your brakes and tires are working properly.

They may also give you suggestions about how you can stay safe when you take your car out during the winter. If you get your car serviced regularly, you can reduce the chances of developing significant issues on the road this winter.

Exercise Caution When Driving During the Winter

These are a few of the most important safety tips you need to follow when you get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle this winter. Importantly, you should try to avoid driving in the winter weather unless you have to; however, there might be some situations where you must. If that is the case, you need to make sure your car is ready for the winter weather.

One of the ways to do this is to get your car inspected at least once per year. Make sure you have good tires and ensure your brakes are working properly. Finally, if your car suffers damage due to winter weather, reach out to a professional who can help you repair it.


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Content provided by The Weekly Driver News Service and additional news sources.

Article Last Updated: November 3, 2021.

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