#99, Pacific Grove Auto Rally celebrates 25th anniversary

James Raia

August 15, 2019

The Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally is among the most popular free-to-spectator events in the celebration of all things automotive during Monterey Auto Week.

The trek through portions of the picturesque Monterey Peninsula is scheduled Friday, Aug. 16. It began in 1995 with automotive legend Caroll Shelby participating to help raise money for charity.

The Pacific Grove Auto Rally will celebrate its 25th anniversary
The Pacific Grove Auto Rally is celebrating its 25ht anniversary. Image courtesy of Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce.

To celebrate the rally’s 25th anniversary, the legendary Cobra (Shelby’s creation) Cobra will be the marque for the parade of drivers and their classics, sports cars and vintage machines.

David Laws, a key event organizer, is our guest on Episode #99 of The Weekly Driver Podcast.

Co-hosts Bruce Aldrich and James Raia discuss with Laws the history of the event and the iconic vehicles involved through the years. He also stress the importance of the event’s charity mission with the Rotary Club of Pacific Grove’s projects and local youth programs.

As organizers state, “Even if you donโ€™t own Cobra, join us to help celebrate our Silver Anniversary. Enjoy the show in historic downtown, followed by a coastal drive along scenic 17-Mile Drive through Pebble Beach.”

“On return to town, all are welcome to enjoy a barbecue dinner in Chautauqua Hall. Bring your family and friends to discover our great restaurants and fine shops.”

As per tradition, spectators are encouraged to witness the rally along the course. There may be a Cobra or two in the parade, but as Laws explains, participating vehicles are as varied as the automobile industry.

Laws details how the rally is planned in cooperation with city officials and law enforcement jurisdictions. He recalls some of the unusual circumstances that have occurred during the rally’s tenure.

It’s not too late to participate in the rally, observe the vehicles or help celebrate after the event in the community barbecue. Another option is to revisit the podcast as a reminder early next year and put the rally on your schedule for Monterey Auto Week 2020.

For registration and the full schedule, visit: Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally

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Article Last Updated: August 22, 2019.

1 thought on “#99, Pacific Grove Auto Rally celebrates 25th anniversary”

  1. Thanks for the opportunity to tell your readers about our annual fundraiser for those less fortunate than us in Monterey County . We enjoyed great event today and a sell-out turnout.


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