Car Insurance hassles? There’s an app to ease the pain

Michael James

June 7, 2017

The hassle of buying car insurance might only be outdone by the annoyance of buying a new car. Go, an app introduced by a San Francisco company, is now available via Apple Pay and can allow customers to purchase car insurance is as little as three minutes.

The process is simple: Car Insurance buyers can take an image of their license and instantly get quotes from State Farm, Liberty Mutual, Farmers, among other companies.

Go is a new car insurance application.
Go is a new car insurance application.

Drivers can get a quote in less than 60 seconds and determine if there’s a lower rate than their current coverage. Customers can then pay by phone, message, and with Apple Pay.

In the same way that iPhone lets customers make one tap and get a ride with Uber, lodging with AirBnB, or groceries with Instacart, they can now obtain car insurance with Go. The app introduce industry firsts: Safe Map, Instant Mileage and Calculator shareable quote. It’s the first insurance policy bought in a message.

Go is available for iPhone 5, 6, 6 Plus, SE, and Watch. Go is also supporting Apple Pay as its only form of mobile payment because of its ease, security โ€นand privacy. Go has been featured by Apple, covered on NBC TV and regularly given 5 stars by customers. It’s available nationwide.

To get Go from the App Store, please visit:

For more information, visit

Article Last Updated: June 7, 2017.

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