Never mind Tesla, Prius, Elio. Buy the Flatula Backfire

Michael James

August 1, 2014

Forget the Tesla. Forget the pending Elio. Don’t even consider a Toyota Prius. The most efficient, least expensive and environmentally ideal car is the new Flatula Backfire.

The Flatula Backfire runs on natural gas, much like the Honda Civic CNG. But it runs on the natural gas its passengers provide.

The manufacturers are marketing the car with catchy slogans that make a lot of sense.

The Flatula Backfire runs on natural gas provide by the car's passengers.
The Flatula Backfire runs on natural gas provide by the car’s passengers.

“It runs like the wind, but it is your wind,” is clever. But more cleaver is the closing line of the video make to debut the cat to the world: “It’s not just a SmartCar, it’s a FartCar.”

It's cheap. It's good-looking. It's the Flatula Backfire.
It’s cheap. It’s good-looking. It’s the Flatula Backfire.

The Flatula Backfire has a good range as long as its passengers provide enough gas. But the manufacturers are smart. They’ve set up gas stations, where attendants are well-equipped and waiting to provide the natural gas the car needs.

As video announcer detail: “It’s good-looking. It’s affordable. It’s the Flatula Backfire.”

Article Last Updated: August 1, 2014.

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