On the second day Media Day of the Los Angeles Auto Show, the Green Car of the Year (Ford Fusion Hybrid) was the morning highlight. But with the emphasis on alternative fuel and engine technology, the women who work as models at auto shows around the country seemingly didn’t have much to do.
There was a dance troop promoting different decades of Volkswagen. And there were two women who were having fun at the Buick unveilings. No one was around when I stepped to take their pictures and the taller of the two models said:
“Doesn’t she look like my personal “mini-me?,” a reference to the character in the Austin Powers movies. And yes, she did.

I asked one model if she was prepared for the public days of the show.
“This is my first show; Is there a difference?” she asks.
For more information on the LA Auto Show, visit: www.laautoshow.com.
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Article Last Updated: November 29, 2012.