The return of Formula 1 racing to the United State is still about 10 months away, but reservations for the waitlist for tickets to the debut event Nov. 16-18, is now available.
A refundable deposit of $100 will secure a place for waitlist, which opened Jan. 21 and will close Feb. 13.
If you sign up for the Select Seating waitlist and decide you are no longer interested in purchasing a suite or select seating, the deposit, paid via Paypa, will be refunded.
Following the close of the Select Seating enrollment period on Monday, February 13, individuals on the waitlist will be contacted with a survey with information regarding the different seating options and pricing available.
Personal Seat Licenses, priced from $1,000-$5,000, depending on proximity to the start/finish line and amenities, payable, if desired, in two installments.
A persoanl seat license entitles its holder to purchase tickets for all racing events at Circuit of The Americas for the next 15 years.
The license also gives its holder a priority position to purchase tickets for entertainment events held at Circuit of The Americas for the duration of the license.
Individual event tickets to the 2012 Formula 1 United States Grand Prix will be offered for sale in early summer.
Additional ticket informahion and a free newsletter sign-up are avialable at
Article Last Updated: January 23, 2012.
A PSL for a race track? That is just nuts even if I lived in Texas. This will never fly.