Radar Tires, the flagship automotive tire brand of Singapore-based Omni United, is supporting The Breast Cancer Research Foundation in a unique way. It's asking its customers to buy pink-walled tires.
The manufacturer, via a campaign called "Mobilizing Hope," will donate $1 to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) for each set of four Radar RPX800 and DIMAX tires purchased during the next year.
Radar Tires has committed a minimum annual donation of $250,000 and has a goal of raising $1 million.
To raise awareness of the initiative and to further support the BCRF, Radar has turned to its campaign affiliated retailers across the country. The goal is to “Mobilize Hope” in their respective communities throughout the month of October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
A state-by-state list of actions undertaken by Radar and several tire retailers is available on the Radar Tires' website. Visit: www.radartires.com.
Article Last Updated: October 6, 2011.