When you are driving in conditions that are not the best due to the weather, it is easier for car collisions to occur. This is the time when you must drive even more carefully than you do when the sun is shining because snow and ice increase your chances of being in a car crash.
We cannot blame snow or ice for car accidents. After all, snow or ice cannot pay medical bills for those injured in crashes, so instead, insurance companies must assign a different standard to the concept of liability.
Insurance companies must find a human being liable for a car accident even if snow or ice had some responsibility for the collision. The standard is that a reasonable motorist will take the necessary precautions while driving on the roads when there is snow or ice. If a motorist is found not to have taken these precautions or to have acted negligently, this motorist will be held accountable for the collision.
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How Do They Determine Fault?
The Driverโs Actions
A motorist is required to exercise caution while driving at all times, but this is especially important in inclement weather. While precipitation is falling and the roads have snow or ice, the motorist must slow down to a safe speed, allow more space between it and the vehicle in front and refrain from making sudden movements. In Washington state, the law implicitly states that a driver may not travel at a speed that is reasonable and prudent given the road conditions. A person who does not make these adjustments can be found negligent in the event of a car collision.
The Conditions of the Road
The road must also be ready for drivers, which means that the government agency in charge of clearing the roads when snow or ice is present can also be held accountable for car collisions if they fail to maintain the roads.
Vehicle Maintenance
Each driver must prepare his or her vehicle for the winter months, and if they fail to do so, they will be held accountable for the collisions that they cause. For example, motorists must switch from their summer tires to winter tires, make sure that their brakes are in good shape and ensure that their windshield wipers are in good working condition. If a driver fails to maintain the tires, the brakes and the windshield wipers, he or she will be held liable.
The Warning Signs That Black Ice Is Present
Motorists cannot see black ice, but they can detect the warning signs that it is present. If they are vigilant, they can notice when the temperature suddenly drops or that there are shaded sections on the road, which are signs that black ice is present. When they become aware of these signs, they can drive more carefully to avoid car collisions.
Failing to Exercise the Right Amount of Caution
Although it is obvious to most people that one must slow down and drive more carefully when there is snow or ice, not everyone takes these precautions. Some people still decide to drive faster than the speed limit allows.
When the roads have snow or ice, it is advisable not to drive at the speed limit. Motorists can lose control of their vehicles easily when they are driving at the speed limit when snow or ice is present, so they are advised to drive underneath the speed limit.
When driving while it is snowing, a motoristโs visibility can be limited. Ice on the roads can be slippery, so slowing down is advisable to avoid losing control of the vehicle. Suppose a person is driving the speed limit under these conditions. In that case, he or she will be determined to be negligent after a car collision because these actions are not reasonable under these circumstances.
Article Last Updated: February 19, 2025.