5 hobbies to consider as a car fanatic

Michael James

October 24, 2022

Restoring the inside and outside of a vehicle is what hobbies are all about for some car enthusiasts.
Restoring the inside and outside of a vehicle is what hobbies are all about for some car enthusiasts including fanciers of Mercedes-Benz. Image ยฉ James Raia

Car fanatics may be looking for ways to spend their time and energy when not behind the wheel. Hobbies abound. Whether you’re into racing, restoring cars or simply admiring them from afar, there’s something for everyone.

Here are five automotive-related options:


From local drag strips to a V8 supercar experience, ways to get a “fix” are plentiful. If there’s not a track readily available, online tracks are available with different events and racing series from which to choose.


For automotive enthusiasts who like working with their hands, restoring cars can rewarding. It’s also a great way to learn about car history and mechanics. Whether restoring a classic or a modern car and depending on your preferences,ย  many resources are available, including books, websites and forums.

Finding a restoration vehicle is the first step. Abandoned cars, junkyards or acquiring a car or truck from family or a friend are all possibilities.

Once you have a car to work on, strip it down to the bare essentials and start rebuilding it. It may be a lot of work, but the process is the reward. It’s what hobbies are all about

Building Models

Assembling car models is another creative outlet for automotive enthusiasts. Simple to complex designs are available for nearly every car and truck make and model. Building car models can be a solo endeavor and it’s also an ideal group hobbies activity. It’s quality time and it can help relieve stress.


The options are varied, a simple collection of tiny cars or a fleet of exotics. Car collecting is often contagious among car enthusiasts. If a car is desirable from a buyer’s perspective it can quickly established the start of a collection or build on a theme โ€” tiny cars to muscle cars.

Researching a vehicle’s history is also part of the collection process. It can help provide the car or truck’s history, value and general relevance and depending on your preferences.


If you don’t have the time or interest in owning or working on cars, enjoying from afar can be a hobby. Attending car shows, going for a country driver, reading and researching, content online via. Plenty of car-related content in videos, blogs, photos and forums.

Content provided The Weekly Driver New Service and other news sources.

Article Last Updated: October 24, 2022.

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