#203, PitStopConnect.com helps predict, prevent auto tragedy

Michael James

November 5, 2021

Ben Auslander, vice president of sales and marketing for PitStopConnect.com, is enthusiastic about all things related to predictive analytics in automobiles. And he has been for a long time.

Auslander, our guest this week on The Weekly Driver Podcast, worked on the GM Onstar program for more than 12 years. He helped launch VW’s connected car program in North America. He also worked for Charge Point as its Automotive Director.

Pitstopconnect.com sees the driving future

“It’s allowed me to see and understand a broader picture around mobility,” Auslander says.

Predictive automative analytics is what pitstopconnect.com does best.
Predictive automotive analytics is what pitstopconnect.com does best.

Co-host Bruce Aldrich and I discuss with Auslander the ever-changing world of car connectivity.

Based in Toronto, Ontario and Detroit, Mich., the company’s platform, according to its website, has:

“Over 500,000 connected vehicles and is growing more than 800 percent every quarter. Our industry-leading AI platform is a flywheel that only ever improves with more data and time, providing increasingly better predictive analytics insights to our customers.

“This puts Pitstop in a unique position to not only service existing markets, but also play a leading role in the emerging EV and autonomous markets that will soon become ubiquitous across the world.”

The future of driving? PitstopConnect.com gets it

Please join us as Auslander provides insight into what automotive predicability means for consumers, manufacturers and related industries.

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Article Last Updated: November 5, 2021.

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