Are you following the best winter driving safety tips? With the arrival and dominance of inclement weather is your vehicle prepared for the season of winter driving conditions?

Planning and continuing preventative and ongoing maintenance are the best solutions to keep your car or truck safe in heavy rain, snow and icy conditions, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Hereโs part 3 of a four-part series on winter driving safety tips:
Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones
โข Always wear your seatbelt and ensure every on else in your vehicle is buckled-up in age-and-size-appropriate restraints.
โข Remember that all children underage13 should always ride properly restrained in the back seat.
โข Make sure car seats and booster seats are properly installed and that any children riding with you are in the right car seat, booster seat, or seat belt for their age and size. See for NHTSAโs child passenger safety recommendations.
โข While thick outerwear will keep your children warm, it can also interfere with the proper harness fit on your child in a car seat. Instead, place blankets or coats around your child after the harness is snug and secure.
โข Never leave your child unattended in or around your vehicle.
โข Always remember to lock your vehicle and to keep your keys out of reach when exiting so โจchildren do not play or get trapped inside.
Article Last Updated: December 27, 2016.